Future Fungus News - February 2023
It's almost opening night for: "Endings: An Evening of One-Act Plays!"
Tickets are now on sale for "Endings: An Evening of One-Act Plays.” Click HERE for the box office.
Performances are February 17, 18, 24, and 25 at 7 p.m. and 19 and 26 at 2 p.m. at the Dassel History Center.
FIVE shows in one evening!
HIDDEN IN THIS PICTURE by Aaron Sorkin: Production is three weeks behind and $6 million over budget! Now the sun is setting with only 11 minutes left to film, before the bigwigs shut production down. Then three cows gradually wander into the panoramic scene. Directed by Linda Metcalf.
THE END OF THE BEGINNING by Sean O'Casey: One O'Caseys very few comedies. An Irish farmer and his wife argue about which of them has the toughest job. They agree to switch duties for a day and then compare who succeeds best - with catastrophic results. Directed by Dave Metcalf.
DEATH KNOCKS by Woody Allen: Nat Ackermann is on his bed reading when a mysterious figure climbs through his window and claims to be Death. Death is a little nervous; it's his first day on the job. Nat suggests that they play gin rummy. If Nat wins, he doesn't have to go to the Happy Hunting Ground for 24 hours. Directed by Tom Nelson.
ANIMAL by Oliver Hailly: Oliver Hailly’s play showcases Claire Marie. Claire Marie’s mother is frustrated. She has people coming for a celebration and her 12 year-old daughter has climbed a tree and will not come down! Directed by David Metcalf.
CLEAR GLASS MARBLES by Jane Martin: Laurie's mother was diagnosed with cancer. But she decides to deal with it on her own terms. Laurie recounts the process. Funny, poignant and bittersweet. Directed by Jack Neveaux.
Nancy J. Lipinski portrays Laurie in "Clear Glass Marbles" by Jane Martin.
David Metcalf portrays Nat and Ron Hungerford portrays Death in "Death Knocks" by Woody Allen.
New sound system has arrived!
Thanks to a generous grant of $10,000 from the Southwest Minnesota Arts Council we have been able to purchase a new sound system, complete with wireless mics, a mixer board, and four speakers. This will enable us to improve sound quality in indoor venues, and also make us more audible at outdoor performances.
So many ways to have fun with FungusAmongus!
You don't need to be on stage to have fun with FungusAmongus. For example, we're always looking for:
Stage Managing / Crew Members. Do you want to help behind the scenes with the magic that goes on during the show? Help manage the stage and with set during our productions. We especially need crew members for the night of One Act Plays.
Treat wranglers. Could you bake some yummy bars for us to serve at intermission? Could you serve those treats and coffee at our shows?
Stud sensors. Can you drive a nail, or paint a wall, or perhaps work some interior design magic? Our set-building crew is looking for you.
AV Club members - learn to run sound or light for our shows.
Get started by contacting us through our website or social media channels.
Upcoming Shows
The Secret Garden: July 21 to 23 and 28 to 30 at the Dassel-Cokato Performing Arts Center (PAC). Directed by David Metcalf. Auditions to be held in Mid-May, watch our social media channels for more info.
Future Fungus News - January 2023
Happy New Year, FungusAmongus Friends!
Thank you to all who attended "The Butterfingers Angel, Mary and Joseph, Herod the Nut and the Slaughter of the Twelve Hit Carols in a Pear Tree" in December!
We had a tremendous turnout for our Christmas show and once again we would not be able to do this without our audiences and volunteers.
Night of One Act Auditions - THIS WEEK!
Our Night of One Acts will have auditions this week: Thursday January 5th @ 6:30 PM and Saturday January 7th also at 6:30 PM at the Dassel History Center.
Below are the titles of the shows being cast for, their directors, and a brief synopsis of each show.
"Animal" By Oliver Hailly, Directed by Elvin Clark
Claire Marie’s mother is frustrated. She has people coming for a celebration and her 12 year old daughter has climbed a tree and will not come down! Animal is a dark comedy monologue that requires an actress with a comic edge
1 Actress
"Death Knocks" By Woody Allen, Directed by Tom Nelson
Nat Ackermann is on his bed reading when a mysterious figure climbs through his window and claims to be Death. Death is a little nervous; it's his first day on the job. Nat suggests that they play a game of gin rummy. If Nat wins, he doesn't have to go to the Happy Hunting Ground for twenty four hours.
Two adult men
"The End of the Beginning" By Sean O'Casey, Directed by David Metcalf
"The End of the Beginning" is one of Sean O'Casey's very few comedies. An Irish farmer and his wife argue about which of them has the toughest job. They agree to switch duties for a day and then compare who succeeds best - with catastrophic results!
2 middle aged men
1 middle aged woman
NOTE: It is imperative that all three can demonstrate mastery of an authentic Irish accent.
"Hidden in This Picture" By Aaron Sorkin, Directed by Linda Metcalf
Production is 3 weeks behind and $6 million over budget. Now the sun is setting with only 11 minutes left to film before the bigwigs shut down production. . . .when 3 cows gradually wander into the panoramic scene.
1. Robert -- director of film
2. Jeff -- writer of words and more words
3. Reuben -- Business/money manager trying to get a show out of this money-eating movie.
4. Craig -- well-meaning shlep/ geek assistant (comic relief)
ANY of these parts could be played by women.
"Swan Song" By Anton Chekov, Directed by Isaac Olson
"Swan Song" presents Svietlovidoff, an old actor in the twilight of his career, reminiscing about his life and journey as an actor with Ivanitch, the theatre's prompter. Their bittersweet recollections reveal the light and dark (and ups and downs) in not only the life of an actor, but also the life of a man
The play requires two mature experienced actors.
Performances will February 17th - 19th & 24th - 26th at the Dassel History Center.
Please note: All participants 18 years and older must be vaccinated against COVID-19 and those under 18 are encouraged to be vaccinated.
So many ways to have fun with FungusAmongus!
You don't need to be on stage to have fun with FungusAmongus. For example, we're always looking for:
Treat wranglers. Could you bake some yummy bars for us to serve at intermission? Could you serve those treats and coffee at our shows?
Stud sensors. Can you drive a nail, or paint a wall, or perhaps work some interior design magic? Our set-building crew is looking for you.
AV Club members - learn to run sound or light for our shows! (New sound system coming soon!)
Stage Managing / Crew Members. Do you want to help behind the scenes with the magic that goes on during the show? Help manage the stage and with set during our productions!
Get started by contacting us through our website or social media channels.
Upcoming Shows
A Night of One Acts: February 17 to 19 and 24 to 26 at the Dassel History Center. Five different directors present various short plays including our 2023 MACTFest entry!
The Secret Garden: July 21 to 23 and 28 to 30 at the Dassel-Cokato Performing Arts Center (PAC). Directed by David Metcalf.
Future Fungus News - December 2022
Merry Christmas, FungusAmongus Friends!
Don't wait to get your “Butterfingers!” Tickets are selling quickly…
Get your tickets now for “The Butterfingers Angel, Mary and Joseph, Herod the Nut and the Slaughter of Twelve Hit Carols in a Pear Tree.”
Show dates: December 9 to 11 and 16 to 18
Tickets here: https://buy.ticketstothecity.com/venue.php?org_id=413
The story: Mary and Joseph and the birth of Jesus from a fresh and richly creative point of view, author William Gibson combines a series of deftly constructed short scenes, traditional Christmas music, and often antic characterizations into an ultimately moving Christmas show.
So many ways to have fun with FungusAmongus!
You don't need to be on stage to have fun with FundusAmongus. For example, we're always looking for:
Treat wranglers. Could you bake some yummy bars for us to serve at intermission? Could you serve those treats and coffee at our shows?
Stud sensors. Can you drive a nail, or paint a wall, or perhaps work some interior design magic? Our set-building crew is looking for you.
AV Club members - learn to run sound or light for our shows! (New sound system coming soon!)
Get started by contacting us through our website or social media channels.
Auditions slated:
A Night of One Act Plays: Open Auditions for 5 One Act plays, Thursday January 5th and Saturday January 7th, 6:30 PM at the Dassel-History Center.
The Secret Garden: mid-May, 2023. Watch for our newsletter and social media for dates and details.
For your 2023 calendar:
A Night of One Acts: February 24 to 26 and March 3 to 5 at the Dassel History Center. Five shows, four different directors.
The Secret Garden: July 21 to 23 and 28 to 30 at the Dassel-Cokato Performing Arts Center (PAC).
Future Fungus News - November 2022
Hello, FungusAmongus Friends:
FIrst, we want to thank everyone who helped with or attended Nunsense II. The laughter during the performances raised the roof, and we are glad you all enjoyed it. We appreciate you. Now, here is some additional news you can use:
The Butterfingers Angel - tickets are now on sale!
Get your tickets now for this fun and heartfelt Christmas show.
Show dates: December 9 to 11 and 16 to 18
Tickets here: https://buy.ticketstothecity.com/venue.php?org_id=413
The story: Mary and Joseph and the birth of Jesus from a fresh and richly creative point of view, author William Gibson combines a series of deftly constructed short scenes, traditional Christmas music, and often antic characterizations into a wholly original theater piece. Directed by David Metcalf.
See some pictures above from a recent rehearsal!
Now hear this!
We are excited to announce that FungusAmongus has received a grant from the Southwest Minnesota Arts Council in the amount of $10,000 for a new sound system!
The sound system will be used for both indoor and outdoor productions, making them more accessible to all.
The grant covers all but $2,000 of the sound system’s cost.
Tremendous gratitude and thanks to board members Jon Benson and Carolyn Holje for their dedicated research and copious time spent on this project.
Give to the Max Day is Friday, November 17
You can now donate to FungusAmongus on Give to the Max Day!
The statewide day of giving helps raise funds for many worthy non-profits, and we hope you’ll consider making a tax deductible gift to FungusAmongus this year.
Your financial support ensures we can keep creating quality productions right here in our neighborhood.
Donate here: https://www.givemn.org/giving-events/gtmd22
Upcoming shows
Mark your calendars now for our upcoming shows!
A Night of One Acts: February 17 - 19 and 24 - 26 at the Dassel History Center. Four different directors present various short plays including our 2023 MACTFest entry!
The Secret Garden: July 21 to 23 and 28 to 30 at the Dassel-Cokato Performing Arts Center (PAC). Directed by David Metcalf.
Future Fungus News - October 2022
Thank you to our patrons who visited the Little Sisters of Hoboken during their opening weekend! Four performances remain to see “Nunsense II - the Second Coming.” Reviews are stellar for this hilarious continuation, and tickets are selling quickly. We are praying you get yours in time for next Thursday, Friday, Saturday, or a matinee on Sunday. Tickets HERE.
Ho, ho ho, let’s talk about our Christmas show! (Take a big breath.) It is called “The Butterfingers Angel, Mary and Joseph, Herod the Nut, and the Slaughter of Twelve Hit Carols in a Pear Tree.” Auditions take place Wednesday, Oct. 12 at 6:30 p.m. at the Dassel History Center. The plan is to read through the entire play to get to know and enjoy it - and share a few laughs and maybe tears. Adults as well as a few teens and children will be needed for this show. The performances will take place December 9 to 11 and 16 to 18 at the Dassel History Center.
Finally, we are thrilled to announce our summer 2023 show is “The Secret Garden, the Musical” which will take place at the Performing Arts Center on the Dassel-Cokato High School campus. Performances will be the last two weekends in July 2023.
Watch for more news about upcoming auditions and productions (Winter 2023 Night of One Acts) on our social media sites or in additional emails and blog posts. And mark your calendars, too.
See you at auditions and the shows.
We remain grateful for your support.
Prayers have been answered! Tickets for Nunsense II are now available!
That’s right! The FungusAmongus Players are coming back to the stage with “Nunsense II: The Second Coming.” We urge you to visit www.fungusamongusplayers.org/currentshow, and purchase tickets soon - our first Nunsense show was a complete sell out, and you don't want to miss this one. You can also order tickets by phone - just call the Dassel History Center at 320-275-3077, and the friendly staff will assist you. Performance dates are: September 30, and October 1, 2, 6, 7, 8, and 9.
You also might want to put the dates for auditions and other upcoming shows on your calendar now, too. Here is what is in the works:
“The Butterfingers Angel, Mary & Joseph, Herod the Nut, & the Slaughter of 12 Hit Carols in a Pear Tree” is our holiday show. Auditions will take place Wednesday, October 12 at the Dassel History Center, beginning at 6 p.m. There are roles for adults, as well as for five teens, and two children. We welcome everyone to auditions - no experience necessary. Come have fun with FungusAmongus Players! Directed by David Metcalf, this piece portrays the story of the nativity from a fresh and richly creative point of view, using deftly constructed short scenes, traditional Christmas music, and often antic characterizations. Performance dates are: December 9, 10, 11, 16, 17, and 18.
Join us in February 2023 for a "Night of One Acts." Four directors will each present one short play. Each show is completely different from the others, but a common theme runs among them. Can you guess what it might be?
And, for Summer 2023, we plan to present a musical. Stay tuned for more details.
In other FungusAmongus news:
* Watch our website and social media (Facebook and Instagram) for audition info and other items of theatrical importance.
* Watch for us in Dassel's Red Rooster Days parade on Saturday, September 3. Former cast and crew members please join us!
* Funds donated during coffee time at show intermissions will be used to help us purchase a new sound system. We welcome any and all donations at any time, and thank you in advance. FungusAmongus is a 501c3 organization.
* Like to sew? We would love to have you assist us with costumes. Contact any board member if you're interested, or message us via our website or Facebook Messenger.
* Are you a proud tech nerd? We need you! Come help out with lights or sound for our plays and let your skills shine. Contact any board member if you're interested, or message us via our website or Facebook Messenger.
From the FungusAmongus Board of Directors, June 20th 2022
Hello to FungusAmongus Players supporters, fans, actors, crews, and other interested parties:
We have a bit of sad news to get out of the way, but stick with us - there's good news, too.
First: Auditions for a summer Shakespearean play pulled in some top-notch performers. Unfortunately, when we reviewed how many parts remained open after auditions, scheduling conflicts among the actors, and the threat of having to cancel shows due to COVID-19 exposure as we did last summer, it became obvious a summer show just wasn't viable this summer. We will try again next summer.
The good news:
Shows are being put on the calendar as we send this. We know “Nunsense 2 - the Second Coming” will be our fall production with our same cast returning from the first "Nunsense".
We also have chosen our holiday show. Ready? It's “The Butterfingers Angel, Mary and Joseph, Herod the Nut, and the Slaughter of Twelve Hit Carols in a Pear Tree.” We will need several teens, adults, and even one or two roles for children. Watch for audition info on Facebook and our website!
If you are looking for theatre opportunity this summer former student of Dave Metcalf and current head of the University of Minnesota Theatre department, Luverne Seifert is looking for performers to do Pop-Up performances at the McLeod County fair in August. Auditions are coming up this week June 22nd and June 23rd. For more information click HERE.
Another evening of one-act shows is coming in early 2023. We have at least three directors ready to tackle the job.
We are in the process of revising our website to be more user-friendly. As always you can find the latest FA news on our Facebook page. Plus, you'll see us more often on Instagram.
We covet your ideas. Tell us about shows you would like to see or if you would like to be involved in crews or learning tech for our shows!
Thank you for reading. Stay tuned for more details about our upcoming shows. We miss you, and can't wait to see you at our performances.
The FungusAmongus Board of Directors
A little love from a friend from Stillwater
Think of this post as a bit like a digital newspaper clipping you'd hang on your fridge at home! We like to keep things real and quaint-like.
Many thanks to FungusAmongus' friend, Jon Skaalen, from Stillwater's community theatre, Ole Olson Onstage. We're blessed to have such a great community like Dassel-Cokato to support us in our efforts, and the lovely friends in the community theatre world, like John and so many others!
(from Dassel-Cokato Enterprise Dispatch. July 14, 2017)